Write for 220 W/S

Want to Write for 220 W/S?
Please send an email providing all of the following information. Read everything any missing information may result in the dismissal of your email.
Email Address
Answer all the following questions.
Why do you want to write for 220 W/S?
Do you write for any other blogs? (This includes any blogs that you created.)
What topic would you like to write about?
• Fashion
• Beauty
• Natural Hair
• Lifestyle
• Culture
• Entertainment
Please provide al writing sample within the topic that you wish to be a writer for. Sample submission must be at least 250 words. Email all information to 220ws.fashionblog.com, with “220 W/S Writer” as the subject. If you fail to provide the information listed or if the subject is missing the email may not be read or you will not be eligible for the position. All positions are voluntary and writers will receive writer’s credit on the blog and all sites associated with 220 W/S. Writers will be responsible for submitting at least 4 articles per month.