Friday, July 16, 2010

How to Retain Moisture

Hey guys I am fresh off a freak out about my natural hair. Although I have been natural for one year and seven months I am completely new to wearing my natural hair out. With permed hair I would moisturize my hair usually once a week and for me that was enough or else it would start to be loaded down and I would have product buildup. However what I am finding with Natural Hair is that I can not simply follow that once a week routine. For one reason products for permed hair like hair lotions contain mineral oil and petrolatum. Mineral oil and petrolatum are by products of crude oil. Yes the stuff that is pumped into cars. These by products sit on top of the hair, they do not penetrate the hair shaft and therefore deliver no benefit to the overall health of the hair shaft.

All natural products like the ones that I have been using however penetrate the hair shaft and deliver health benefits to the hair shaft. My hair eats up these natural products and so that means constant application without the major product build up. So this morning I freaked out because I had just moisturized, co-washed and deep conditioned my hair. So why wasn't it soft?

Well I turned to my online natural hair community at (Turn to them, this has got to be one of the biggest online communities. They have a wealth of knowledge-yes that's my plug for them.)To seal moisture into each strand of natural hair this is what I learned to do:

1.I took my spray bottle of plain water sprayed my hair making sure that each strand was sprayed.
2.Then I take some EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) and apply it to my hair.

Follow these two simple steps and soft, moisturized hair will be yours. As a natural water is your friend, where as a permie it was your biggest enemy. The oil (and it doesn't have to be EVOO)acts as a natural sealant. Do these two steps any time your hair feels dry. Or to prevent dryness before it occurs. Use the amount that is right for you. I have a small spray bottle and plan to make a travel spray to bring with me for protection from the heat of the summer sun. Freak out officailly caput!!!!Muah!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Newest Natural Hair Inspiration

Actress T'Keyah Crystal Keymah has become my newest natural hair inspiration. I have long admired her hair when she was on That's So Raven. Then it was always in thick, luscious braids, so this picture caught my attention because she was wearing her hair loose and I had never seen it like so. This picture is from an interview on Clutch Magazine's website. The link is provided below the pic. Ms. Keymah is proof that with the right care natural hair can grow strong and healthy.

Check out the interview:

Welcome to the Official Re-Launch of 220 W/S

I started this blog in Apirl 2010 as a way for me to blog about fashion and beauty. But I haven't posted anything since May. I have a passion for blogging but not neccesarily for the things and celebs that I was writing about. I won't go into names but most of the celebrity fashion that I covered was already being covered by the mainstream. I wanted to blog about those things and celebs that did not recieve a lot of coverage, attention and celebration. Fast forward to this month. Literally a week ago today I decided to start wearing my natural hair. Before going natural a year and seven months ago I did research and fell in love with natural hairstyles. For me a natural hairstyle is that extra pop, that extra flair to any outfit. Natural hair is truly beautiful, unigue and extra, extra fly. Sadly not everyone feels this way. So I dedcided that since I was so passionate about natural hair that I would re-launch the blog to focus on the beauty of natural locks.

This is not to say that 220 W/S won't talk about or feature celebs with striaght hair, but natural hair and the men and women who wear it will take center stage here. I hope that this blogs helps to encourage, uplift and celebrate those who have decided to wear their natural hair with pride. I also hopes that it educates, inspires and challenges those who want to go natural and those who hold on to the negative stereotypes about natural hair.

With love, Fredina LeSha.